
Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Power of A Sussy

When I reflect on sweet memories of my childhood, I think of the big events. Holidays, vacations, and special dinners come to mind. However, it is the small things that meant the most to me. One of the most special memories of childhood for me is the giving and receiving of a sussy. My parents defined it in our home as a small surprise or trinket given for no special reason, just to say, “I love you.” In the study of love languages, the giving of a gift is a universal way to show someone how you feel about them. The gift itself is a symbol and a visual reminder of how you feel. Many years ago I had a neighbor from Mississippi, and she called it a “happy.” No matter the term you choose, it is powerful.

At Rockenbaugh I have tried to incorporate the idea of a sussy by distributing Dragon Warm Fuzzies. A Dragon Warm Fuzzy is a very small fluffy green ball given to students to show that I care about them. Just because. I have heard from some of you about the power of a warm fuzzy! One of our RES dads had a three-week trial in California and took the warm fuzzy that belonged to his daughter. He photographed the fuzzy and showed his daughter, which cured a bit of homesickness for him and his daughter, and brought him some luck on his case, he said!

What warm fuzzy would your child appreciate? Allow a sussy to say, “I love you. You are important. You are special. I am glad you are my child.” Even as adults, it can mean a great deal to us when someone takes a minute out of his/her day to perform their own version of a warm fuzzy by granting a random act of kindness. To each of the parents, the staff, and the administration, please know I hold for you in my office a green Dragon Warm Fuzzy; I appreciate you and am thankful I have the opportunity to serve at Rockenbaugh and in Carroll ISD!

Wishing you the warmest of fuzzies,

Mrs. Young

Dragon Warm Fuzzy in Court

Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Day of School Memories and Traditions

This short-lived time in your family's life will soon be gone. Elementary school days are fun and then done, just like that.

Yesterday I moved my oldest son to college for his freshman year. I did okay, until I got back home and his room was empty. Thoughts are lingering in my mind like, “Did I do okay as a mom? What should I have done more? What should I have not done?” I find myself reminiscing about the good old days when he was a child. So, I thought I would share some of the things we did to treasure the first few days of school.

I encourage you to take time to create memories that will fill your child's heart with love, mind with confidence, and soul with contentment.

1. Plan a candlelight fancy dinner using the china, crystal, and silver.
My young sons loved the times we got the nice china and had a candlelight dinner. There is something almost mystical about a few flickering lights in the dark. We would sit and talk longer than usual on those candlelit nights. They even asked for it the night before my oldest left. We sat in the low light Saturday night eating steak and potatoes and laughing about past memories.

2. Take a first day of school photograph.
You will love looking back over the years at the first day of school pictures. These photos say so much and will bring back a flood of memories. We laugh at the clothes, hair styles (or lack thereof,) cheesy smiles, and new big backpacks.

3. Have your kids write their names and draw a self-portrait.
Kids move from grade to grade quickly. Often times we as parents hound them about what they need to do better. This special little activity highlights the growth and maturity of each child. It is a visual reminder, to you and to them, how they have developed and are actually making progress.

4. At dinner, have each family member share High, Medium, and Low/s of the day. (We try this at each dinner meal we have. It actually works, even with teenage boys.) This is a tradition we started long ago. The question that always got just an answer of “fine,” was “How was your day?” But, the High, Medium, Low, would go on and on and on. Sometimes one would say, “Wait, I have two highs and three lows.” I found out more about their lives during this then any other time.

5. A nod to Steven Covey… Begin with the end in mind. 
We spend a lot of time getting ready and discussing the beginning of school with our children: new clothes, supplies, shoes, new teacher, and classmates. Carve time to talk about what you want the end of the school year to look like. Ask your child some of the following:
  • What grades do you want to receive?
  • What do we need to put in place to make sure you receive the grades you want?
  • What kind of character trait do you most want to develop by the end of the school year?
  • How could we develop that trait? Paste a definition on the fridge? Receive a reward when we see it in action? What else?
  • What kind of friend do you want to be by the end of school? teammate? sister? brother?
  • What chore at home do you want to take on and master by the end of school? 

Please share your ideas in the comments section! What traditions and activities do you do to commemorate the first days of school with your children?

Every parent, no matter what the journey has been like thus far, can remember when he or she first looked into their child’s eyes in the delivery room. From birth to the first day of school until the time you send them off into the world as an adult, may seem like forever. Having just experienced it, it seems as only a few days have passed since my college boy (ahem… college man) was a newborn. As my husband and I returned home yesterday, the memories flooded back as I looked at my oldest son’s empty room. I can honestly say, I would relive those memories again. If I could, in my own way, I would slow down the clock! Play more. Make more memories happen. However, I can’t. So……I cherish each and every high, medium, and low!

To the greatest of days,

Mrs. Young

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Happy Summer!


What a remarkable year at Rockenbaugh! Our students learned, grew, and experienced another eventful and safe year. From our First Day of School traditions to our Clap Out and End of Year events, I hope each moment was one to treasure and hold special in your hearts. As we dive into summer, remember that learning is an every moment of every day experience. Rockenbaugh may be closed until August, but each of us continues to learn on a daily basis. We encourage you to read with your child each and every day; readers become leaders! Make it fun and exciting.


Thank you, RES parents and the PTO, for your undying dedication to your school, your students, and your teachers! Rockenbaugh is what it is because of you and your children. We consider it an honor to serve you and the Rockenbaugh community! We specifically thank you for the following this year:
  • Welcoming and orienting to the new administrative team
  • Adjusting to the new security measures and procedures
  • All you do for our school (teacher lunches, resources for students, photographs, yearbook, and lastly, our Teacher Wish List!)
  • Support of our new S.T.E.M. (Science - Technology - Engineering - Math) initiative and 21st Century Learning Plan
  • Care and dedication in working with your own children on a daily basis

We would like to say a heartfelt farewell to a few of our beloved Rockenbaugh staff members. They are moving on to other adventures. You will always hold a special place in our hearts. Please come back home and visit. We will miss you!
  • Ms. Sandra is retiring to stay home with her daughter. What an amazing principal's secretary she has been!
  • Mrs. Leftwich is retiring. Thank you for teaching art and creativity!
  • Ms. Morris is retiring. Thank you for teaching ESL and language!
  • Ms. VanTassle is moving to be with her family. We will miss you in preschool!
  • Ms. Ausdenmoore is leaving to complete her student teaching at the middle school level. She did a wonderful job teaching our kids internet safety this year!
  • Ms. Brandt is leaving to go back to JES where her children attend school and where she was originally hired and worked for three years. We will miss you in first grade!
  • Ms. King is leaving to move back to Tennessee with her family. She taught speech at RES!


I don't know about you, but I always enjoy at the end of a television show when the narrator states, "A few highlights from next week on...." Next year in Carroll ISD and at Rockenbaugh, think Luke, Yoda, and the Force. That's right. Our theme is "Dragon Empire Strikes Back!" We will be highlighting our new technology that we have acquired and the plan for a successful and engaging learning environment, something that our kids' futures requires. More to come soon!

May the Force be with you,


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dear Mom and Dad, ask me questions.

Elementary school days are the best of days. This is time when you are most able to shape and form your child's character and future. As your child moves into the preteen and teen years, the ability to influence slowly slips from your fingers. As a parent of an high school senior and sophomore, I recall the feeling being palpable; I didn't like it. Embrace this short amount of time to guide your children! It will be gone sooner that you imagine. You will be addressing high school graduation announcements and scheduling time with a photographer for senior portraits, just like me. (A little tear in my eye as I type this...)  

A note from your child...

Dear Mom and Dad, 

Please talk to me and ask my opinion. I am getting older quickly. I have a lot of thoughts. Here are a few questions you could ask me (thanks to iMom and All Pro Dads). 
  1. What do you like to dream about?
  2. What is your best memory this school year?
  3. Who is your hero? Why?
  4. How would you describe your family?
  5. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
  6. What are you most proud of yourself for?
  7. Who is the kindest person you know? Why?
  8. What do you like most about your best friend?
  9. What is one thing you would like to learn to do well?
  10. If you were an animal what one would you be and why?
  11. When is the last time someome hurt your feelings? How did you react?
  12. Do you know someone who is going though a hard time? How can you help them?
  13. What is the scariest thing that happened this year?
  14. If you could keep only one thing, out of everything you have, what would it be?
  15. Who do you think is really successful? Why?
  16. What’s the best thing about your teacher this year?
  17. When do you feel misunderstood by grown-ups?
  18. What three words best describe you?
  19. What’s something that makes you angry?
  20. What’s the best compliment you ever received?

Join iMOM or All Pro Dad for email updates by clicking on the "daily email" link at or at© 2011 iMOM. All Rights Reserved. Family First, All Pro Dad, iMOM, and Family Minute with Mark Merrill are registered trademarks.

Each day you entrust your precious children to Rockenbaugh Elementary. We do not take the task lightly. Thank you for allowing us to share in their development. It is an honor to serve the families of our community.

To the greatest of days,

Lisa Young

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

Internet Safety Presentation
What a wonderful meeting we had this past Thursday! You may have heard me say that the digital devices we are giving our kids are like knives; they can be used to help save a life in a surgery but they can also be deadly. We must teach our kids the proper way to use these devices and the associated dangers and risks. The parents that attended want to continue our discussion. So, in May, we will be hosting another Internet Safety presentation. Make this a family event. Bring your children (young and old) to hear about the proper way to use these devices. Date and time to be announced soon. 

Education researcher Robert Marzano says, “Applied effectively, technology not only increases student learning, understanding, and achievement but also augments motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning, and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.” The power of student use of technology, however, does not really lie in the device itself. The power is in what the device helps the student do. For instance, the Mid-Continent Regional Education Laboratory (McREL) identified 246 separate studies that demonstrate that the use of nonlinguistic representations has a very strong positive effect on student learning. For years teachers have struggled to find ways to incorporate this strategy. Digital devices offer a huge array of resources to meet this need—from streaming video to interactive presentations. We hope to see you in May!

PTO Sock Hop Coming!

Come to our yearly fundraiser, Friday, April 19 from 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 pm. The Sock Hop at the Rock will have the following: a DJ, Aleda's Pizza, and a Dessert Buffet featuring "Desserts By Design"!  We'll also have Photo Booths, ipad Raffle, Door Prizes, Auction, Car Hop relays, Costume Contest and more!  Great Photo Ops! Bring your camera! Please come and support your school. We are wanting to purchase iPads for the classrooms! Register by April 17 online by clicking this link: 
Click here to see the many bidding options: Bidding for good.

LHB Ranch Fire Pit
1. I can't wait for the highest bidder that gets to pick two friends to take out to my family ranch house in Springtown, Texas! We will build a fire in our fire pit, roast hot dogs, and make smores. The next day after a hot breakfast, we will will go on a hike and look for fossils (Fort Worth Natural History and Science Museum has a Springtown excavated dinosaur)! 2. One of my hobbies is shopping! Come shopping with Mrs. Young (a $100 gift certificate is included for the winner.). 3. You and your friends could have a blast spending the evening at Rockenbaugh! Games, treasure hunts, and more!

STAAR Testing
Due to state regulations, RES Campus will be closed to outside visitors during the week of STAAR Testing, April 22-26. Thank you for your support during this time. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Blackwell, our RES Testing Coordinator at 

Kid President Inspired RES
This year we have been watching videos of Kid President on our Dragon Tale News. Our desire is that each day is filled with joy. We started with one of Kid President's original videos:
We showed a few other of his videos. At our last Rocken' Dragon Spirit Day (the Friday after the STAAR tests,) we showed the one on encouraging us to dance. I explained to all of our kiddos that we had been working very hard, so we were going to celebrate by dancing like Kid President. We did the Harlem Shake and sent it to him. He liked it, and SoulPancake responded that they liked it and were going to forward it on as well! #awesomeyear #kidpresident #rockenbaughES rocks!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back to Recess at the Rock!


This week proved to be one that called for each member of the Rockenbaugh family to confront some necessary adjustments to our daily routine in order to ensure that the school continues to be a safe place for all of our Dragons. This was the first Valentine's Day I have experienced where police officers were present at a school. As I walked in and saw them, clad with their all black uniforms and gold badges, a little shiver went down my back. I thought, "Oh no. Will these officers scare our kids? Will the students ask us questions about why they are here? Will kids want to go home?" 

To my dismay, the kids appeared to bop in as usual. One little girl smiled and waved at an officer while cheerfully questioning, "Hi! Do you remember me?" Keeping a smile on my face, my eyes peeled the halls searching for any nervous child. I am sure there were some. Kids can mask their fears.

I miss the days of unlocked and propped open doors. I like everyone to feel welcome and comfortable as this is your school. I am grieving, as I am sure many of you are as well. Please know that our hearts' desires are to maintain a safe and risk-free environment for our kids. We will be offering generous hugs, a lot of smiles, engaging lessons, and "business as usual" this week. Mrs. Connolly, our loving counselor, has been looking for kids that might need extra support during these times.

At our Parent 2nd Cup of Coffee this week, we discussed iPads in the classroom. A large district committee determined last year to support Apple iOS devices as the devices of choice for Carroll ISD. At our Second Cup of Coffee, we discussed the current state of technology and the role it plays
in our children's lives. Many parents are afraid of devices and the things these devices can do; I say they should be afraid. I gave the analogy of a knife. A knife can be used to kill someone, however it can be used to save someone's life in surgery. The device is not inherently evil but can do harm. Many of our students own devices (knives) and yet our students are not properly trained and prepared for the amazing power behind these devices, good and bad.
Kids prefer to learn digitally and enjoy when technology is used. As a dad poignantly said at the Coffee, "The train has left the station, and we are just standing here." Another emailed, "You are the conductor ready to go and have a support group. All aboard!"
We are ready to get the iOS train rolling. Our technology committee is moving forward with creating a technology safety plan. More news to come soon! Join the discussion. Let us know your thoughts!

We continue hearing great discussions that parents are having with their children regarding the RES Conflict Resolution Wheel. Keep discussing the use of these strategies. This past week we taught and practiced "Rock, Paper, Scissors." This next week we will be discussing "Win-Win." While you drive your child to school, are shopping at the grocery, or eating dinner, we ask that you discuss these strategies and share ways you use them as well.

Last week we emphasized that adult strangers should not ask children questions or for help, i.e., help me with this little hurt puppy, do you know where the grocery store it, etc. This week Mrs. Blackwell will be discussing, If anyone tries to move or hurt you, make sure you scream, “You’re not my dad or mom!” 

Support NEA's National Read Across America Day. We will also be celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday at RES this day. Read to a child!
Click here to read more.

We invite you to RES Open House on March 7!

To the greatest of days,


Friday, January 25, 2013

Conflict Resolution at RES

Conflict Resolution Wheel
Each week Mrs. Connolly will be highlighting a strategy that kids can use when needing to resolve a conflict. Each day this week on the Dragon Tale News we discussed the strategy of "walk away." Next week we will be showing and explaining the strategy of giving an "I feel....." message. Ask your child to share what they learned and how they are solving conflict.

Rocken' Dads
Our Rocken' Dads met this morning in our cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. Thank you to Dr. David Faltys, our district superintendent for speaking to the kids and dads about putting the "big rocks" in life a priority. Thank you to the dads that have been serving as Dad of the Day! We love you Rocken' Dads!

RESPECT is starting back up February 7th at 3:00-3:45! Auditions for 4th Grade Flashback to the Sixties will be from Tuesday, January 29, 2013 to Thursday, January 31, 2013 in the music room. Sign-up sheets are outside the Music Room. They will start at 7:30AM. There will also be enough time to audition and get to additional fourth grade duties. Please sign up and show up. This is going to be GREAT!

Jump Rope for Heart is coming up February 13, 14 and 15 during PE.  We are encouraging all students and staff to wear red on Wednesdays in celebration of HEART Health. 

Come see RES artwork at the Southlake Public Library Art Display, Feb. 18-Mar. 25! There will be a small art show with limited hanging space at the public library in Town Square.  RES will have about 35 pieces on display.  Students with art in the show will receive a letter in their Wed. folder. Congratulations!

Bring Your Own Device Pilot
Mrs. Featherston's GT class and some of the other classes will be piloting a "bring your own device" initiative. There are strict rules that we must adhere to during these times. Please see your teacher for the specifics. If you have any questions or concerns, please come see me! We must teach and prepare our children how to appropriately use these powerful devices. They can be a dynamic tool for engagement and research.

Don't forget, elementary school days are the greatest of days!

Lisa Young