
Friday, January 25, 2013

Conflict Resolution at RES

Conflict Resolution Wheel
Each week Mrs. Connolly will be highlighting a strategy that kids can use when needing to resolve a conflict. Each day this week on the Dragon Tale News we discussed the strategy of "walk away." Next week we will be showing and explaining the strategy of giving an "I feel....." message. Ask your child to share what they learned and how they are solving conflict.

Rocken' Dads
Our Rocken' Dads met this morning in our cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. Thank you to Dr. David Faltys, our district superintendent for speaking to the kids and dads about putting the "big rocks" in life a priority. Thank you to the dads that have been serving as Dad of the Day! We love you Rocken' Dads!

RESPECT is starting back up February 7th at 3:00-3:45! Auditions for 4th Grade Flashback to the Sixties will be from Tuesday, January 29, 2013 to Thursday, January 31, 2013 in the music room. Sign-up sheets are outside the Music Room. They will start at 7:30AM. There will also be enough time to audition and get to additional fourth grade duties. Please sign up and show up. This is going to be GREAT!

Jump Rope for Heart is coming up February 13, 14 and 15 during PE.  We are encouraging all students and staff to wear red on Wednesdays in celebration of HEART Health. 

Come see RES artwork at the Southlake Public Library Art Display, Feb. 18-Mar. 25! There will be a small art show with limited hanging space at the public library in Town Square.  RES will have about 35 pieces on display.  Students with art in the show will receive a letter in their Wed. folder. Congratulations!

Bring Your Own Device Pilot
Mrs. Featherston's GT class and some of the other classes will be piloting a "bring your own device" initiative. There are strict rules that we must adhere to during these times. Please see your teacher for the specifics. If you have any questions or concerns, please come see me! We must teach and prepare our children how to appropriately use these powerful devices. They can be a dynamic tool for engagement and research.

Don't forget, elementary school days are the greatest of days!

Lisa Young

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ready to Rock!

I don't know about you, but for me, as the holiday season approached and stared me in the face, I had gone from feeling Young-at-Heart to Tired-at-Heart. So, I did what many want to do but seldom do. l disappeared off the grid. My husband took our family on a cruise. The good news: no cell phone connectivity for seven days. The bad news: no cell phone connectivity for seven days. At first I felt as though I had been cut off from oxygen. I had not realized how attached I was to my dear iPhone (email, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google maps, and countless apps that require internet connectivity).

After completely unplugging for one full week and partially the second week, I relearned what R & R means. I can say with 100% certainty....I am rested, refreshed and ready to rock!
I hope you and yours were able to get away and find some rest and refreshment over the holiday season. I am excited to tell you about some fantastic events around the corner as we get back in the groove of our day-to-day lives.

Report Cards, Friday, January 11
Report cards go out this Friday. Third and Fourth grade report cards are accessed online.

Campus Improvement Team Meeting, Monday, January 14
Anyone is welcomed to come to our Campus Improvement Team Meeting at 3:15. Only those on the committee vote. We will be examining our progress towards our goals we set in our Campus Improvement Plan. 

Dads Invasion, Thursday, January 17
Dads invade Rockenbaugh! are welcome to come and join their child/children for lunch.  If dads are not available, moms or other family members are welcome to fill in. 

Martin Luther King Day and No School, Monday, January 21
We will not have school for teachers or students on this date.

Rocken' Dads Breakfast with Dr. Faltys, Friday, January 25
Rocken' Dads are hosting a breakfast for all Rockenbaugh dads and their children on Jan. 25 at 7:00 a.m. in the Rockenbaugh cafeteria. Dr. David Faltys, Carroll ISD Superintendent, is the featured speaker. Come hear from our Rocken' Dads and consider being a Dad of the Day!

Safety Drills in January
We will be having our monthly Fire Drill and our Lock Down Drill. Some have asked me about our lock down procedures. Below is an explanation from our Carroll ISD Emergency Operations Plan:
Soft Lock Down – during a soft lock down, everyone is brought into the building and the doors are locked and secured as a precautionary measure. Administrators and support staff are on heightened alert, watching entrances/exits, but teachers continue teaching and the normal schedule is followed; classes may change at the sound of the bell/period change.
Hard Lock Downduring a hard lock down, everyone is brought into the building and the doors are locked and secured. Teachers and students turn out lights, move away from doors and windows and take cover by hiding behind desks, in classroom closets, bathrooms or other secure locations.  Everyone is encouraged to remain as quiet as possible to stay undetected.

Professional Learning Communities, throughout January

Each grade level will be meeting for a 1/2 day in the month of January. We will examine our formerly set norms, analyze student data, evaluate progress towards student goals, discuss the Rockenbaugh Conflict Resolution Wheel, and celebrate the good things happening.

I encourage you as you move through the spring, to unplug from the electronics and plug into your kids. Don't forget to savor each and every day of elementary school with your kids! 

To the greatest of days,
Mrs. Young