
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back to Recess at the Rock!


This week proved to be one that called for each member of the Rockenbaugh family to confront some necessary adjustments to our daily routine in order to ensure that the school continues to be a safe place for all of our Dragons. This was the first Valentine's Day I have experienced where police officers were present at a school. As I walked in and saw them, clad with their all black uniforms and gold badges, a little shiver went down my back. I thought, "Oh no. Will these officers scare our kids? Will the students ask us questions about why they are here? Will kids want to go home?" 

To my dismay, the kids appeared to bop in as usual. One little girl smiled and waved at an officer while cheerfully questioning, "Hi! Do you remember me?" Keeping a smile on my face, my eyes peeled the halls searching for any nervous child. I am sure there were some. Kids can mask their fears.

I miss the days of unlocked and propped open doors. I like everyone to feel welcome and comfortable as this is your school. I am grieving, as I am sure many of you are as well. Please know that our hearts' desires are to maintain a safe and risk-free environment for our kids. We will be offering generous hugs, a lot of smiles, engaging lessons, and "business as usual" this week. Mrs. Connolly, our loving counselor, has been looking for kids that might need extra support during these times.

At our Parent 2nd Cup of Coffee this week, we discussed iPads in the classroom. A large district committee determined last year to support Apple iOS devices as the devices of choice for Carroll ISD. At our Second Cup of Coffee, we discussed the current state of technology and the role it plays
in our children's lives. Many parents are afraid of devices and the things these devices can do; I say they should be afraid. I gave the analogy of a knife. A knife can be used to kill someone, however it can be used to save someone's life in surgery. The device is not inherently evil but can do harm. Many of our students own devices (knives) and yet our students are not properly trained and prepared for the amazing power behind these devices, good and bad.
Kids prefer to learn digitally and enjoy when technology is used. As a dad poignantly said at the Coffee, "The train has left the station, and we are just standing here." Another emailed, "You are the conductor ready to go and have a support group. All aboard!"
We are ready to get the iOS train rolling. Our technology committee is moving forward with creating a technology safety plan. More news to come soon! Join the discussion. Let us know your thoughts!

We continue hearing great discussions that parents are having with their children regarding the RES Conflict Resolution Wheel. Keep discussing the use of these strategies. This past week we taught and practiced "Rock, Paper, Scissors." This next week we will be discussing "Win-Win." While you drive your child to school, are shopping at the grocery, or eating dinner, we ask that you discuss these strategies and share ways you use them as well.

Last week we emphasized that adult strangers should not ask children questions or for help, i.e., help me with this little hurt puppy, do you know where the grocery store it, etc. This week Mrs. Blackwell will be discussing, If anyone tries to move or hurt you, make sure you scream, “You’re not my dad or mom!” 

Support NEA's National Read Across America Day. We will also be celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday at RES this day. Read to a child!
Click here to read more.

We invite you to RES Open House on March 7!

To the greatest of days,
